+ 1 (773) 931-3409


+ 1 (773) 931-3409


Grai for Ukraine

Fundraising for an ambulance


With this project we hope to fundraise for an ambulance that will be used to evacuate wounded in near-frontline areas in Ukraine. A single vehicle has the potential to save hundreds of lives per year, and this one is no different. 


Mantra Molfara

The voice behind the project

The band's lead singer, Misha Gontar, came to us with a fundraising proposal to support Ukraine: his music and performances throughout Chicago as a way to raise donations to save lives in Ukraine!
"Listen to the sound of music and help those that listen to the sound of bombs" was the mantra for this project. While Ukraine is bombarded on the daily with thousands of missiles, drones, and aerial bombs, we can donate from our safety and security in the United States to help support Ukrainians and save hundreds of lives!

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The impact of one vehicle

The last ambulance we purchased has saved several hundred lives, and is still in service over a year later!

You can pitch in today to support this band's outstanding initiative!

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