+ 1 (773) 931-3409


+ 1 (773) 931-3409


supporting the fight

Join our volunteer movement or make a donation.

Our Events

One of the ways we raise funds is through social events. This is a great opportunity to bring our community together, socialize, and take a break from the everyday life. 100% of funds raised at all of our events are donated and turned into support for Ukraine. 


Code UA

Friday, 23 August, 6:30pm

Celebrate the birthday of Ukrainian Hero City Kharkiv with a special movie showing!2842 W. Chicago Ave


Pulse Pledge

Sign up for Recurring Donations Today!

You recurring donation, no matter how small, is a vital lifeline that Ukrainian Defenders can rely on. This stability allows us to anticipate the needs of the soldiers on the front lines and work proactively to fulfill them.


coffee is a lifesaver!

Together with Weston's Coffee & Tap Co. we are fundraising for first aid equipment!

On a recent visit instructors from Forca Ukraine told us about their upcoming mission to train Ukrainian soldiers in first aid and provide much-needed equipment. We are joining this fundraiser with a goal of $5,000!


Grai for ukraine

Music that Saves Lives

Together with the band Mantra Molfara we are fundraising for an ambulance that will be evacuating wounded from near-front line areas in Ukraine. Support the band and our project with a donation, or visit the lead singer when he performs in Chicago!

volunteer-run and focused on victory

We started with a simple desire to help Ukraine and the people defending it. That desire grew to a non-profit organization that is constantly ramping up its work to more expansive projects. Some of the aid we’ve sent includes individual first aid kits, drones, protective gear, transportation, and even an ambulance.
Your support is imperative for us to continue our work! Please consider donating to our cause and sharing the page with your friends.

our impact



winter Sleeping bags arrived

Sleeping bags purchased with donations from the "Layer Up, Soldier" campaign have been delivered!

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Another med-evac purchased!

Another vehicle was purchased to help save lives and evacuate the wounded.

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ambulance to the rescue

The results of our fundraiser are actively saving lives in Ukraine. 

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roskoliada- a christmas story

The grand finale to our 2022 caroling seasons with the Vertep team resulted in one of our most successful evenings to date. 

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